Dialogs Common Dialogs Made in VB wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwpww wwwwp wwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww Form1+ mnuDemo &Demo mnuFOpen File &Open mnuFSave File &Save mnuFonts &Fonts mnuPrinter &Printer _ mnuPSetup Printer Setup mnuPDoc Print Doc Setup a mnuColors &Colors mnuSep mnuExit E&xit mnuFonts_Click> PFonts Dialogs FError mnuPSetup_Click Result PSetup PError mnuPDoc_Click PPrinter mnuFSave_Click PFileSave mnuExit_Click9 mnuFOpen_Clickt PFileOpen mnuColors_Click PColors CErrory CmdError Flags CC_RGBINIT CC_FULLOPEN Filter Title Index Filter1 Filter2 szFilter szInitialDirJ szTitle) OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST OFN_HIDEREADONLY OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST FileMask FontTypeh CF_SCREENFONTS CF_EFFECTS SCREEN_FONTTYPE FromPage ToPage FPage TPage Copies PD_RETURNIC PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE PD_NOSELECTION PD_PRINTSETUP Demo for accessing Win 3.1 Common Dialogs Author: Costas Kitsos, CIS 73667,1755 Revision: 1.00.00, July 4 19926 Modified: L.J. Johnson, CIS 70700,1334 Revision: 1.10.00, July 25 1992 mnuFonts_Click Res% = 0 means everything OK- Res% = 1 means couldn't allocate global memory- Res% = 2 means couldn't lock global memorym Res% = 3 means had error returned from common dialog FError& tells you WHAT error if Res% = 3o DIALOGS" mnuPSetup_Click Res% = 0 means everything OK- Res% = 1 means some error from printer common dialog Res% = 2 means no DeviceModeo Res% = 3 means couldn't get address of GlobalLock PError& tells you WHAT error if Res% = 1l DIALOGS" mnuPDoc_Click Res% = 0 means everything OK- Res% = 1 means some error from printer common dialog Res% = 2 means no DeviceModeo Res% = 3 means couldn't get address of GlobalLock PError& tells you WHAT error if Res% = 1l DIALOGS" mnuFSave_Click Res% = 0 means everything OK- Res% = 1 means couldn't allocate global memory- Res% = 2 means couldn't lock global memorym Res% = 3 means had error returned from common dialog FError& tells you WHAT error if Res% = 3o VB Files *.frm;*.bas;*.mak" Text Files *.txt;*.doc" untitled.frm MyApp's File Save" DIALOGS" mnuExit_Click mnuFOpen_Click Res% = 0 means everything OK- Res% = 1 means couldn't allocate global memory- Res% = 2 means couldn't lock global memorym Res% = 3 means had error returned from common dialog FError& tells you WHAT error if Res% = 3o VB Files *.frm;*.bas;*.mak" Text Files *.txt;*.doc" MyApp's File Open" DIALOGS" mnuColors_Click Res% = 0 means everything OK- Res% = 1 means couldn't allocate global memory- Res% = 2 means couldn't lock global memorym Res% = 3 means had error returned from common dialog CError& tells you WHAT error if Res% = 3o DIALOGS"